Global investing is our passion.

When you consider the sheer magnitude of investable equities to choose from in the world’s emerging markets, you realize that finding one that looks attractive enough to warrant investing your faith and assets in is as formidable a task as finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, researching investment opportunities is a lot more interesting than digging for needles in haystacks.
— Mark Mobius

Our Mission

Zeeba emphasizes a long-only value/growth hybrid investment strategy that focuses on domestic and foreign companies with strong fundamentals and advantageous positioning in trends that will define the 21st century.

We believe that consistent alpha generation comes from a portfolio that transcends national borders and operates with a global perspective.

Central to our investment process is providing educational value not found in the classroom to all our members, who are students at Georgetown University, for effective asset allocation and alpha generation of our fund.


What We Do


Our fund provides New Analysts with a formal nine-week training program in financial analysis, competitive analysis, valuation and risk assessment necessary for our equity selection process. Through rigorous involvement in investment pitches of their regional desk, Analysts learn additional skills specific to investing in international markets, including geopolitical risk analysis and advanced valuation methodologies.

Every semester, our fund organizes speaker events with professors and outside professionals with a focus on macroeconomic and investment trends in international markets as well as career development and opportunities in financial services.



Every semester, our fund carefully selects new members to join our team. We welcome anyone with an interest in investing and international equities, regardless of financial experience, to apply. Following conditional admission, candidates go through a semester of training. Qualified analysts are then assigned to a regional coverage desk, where they fully participate in the desks’ equity pitches.

Our team prides itself on having a horizontal desk structure, where all inputs are equally valued and necessary for our mission. Pitches are presented to and voted on by the whole fund, with the final investment decision being with our Investment Committee.